Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Good books for those with questions about Christianity

Questions about Historical Reliability of the Bible and the credibility of Christianity:
Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ is a new classic. Since he was an atheist when he began researching, the answers seem more credible. His follow-up The Case for Faith and The Case for Easter have good reliable content.

Thinking about religion through a philosophical lens:

Tim Keller's The Reason for God is great. Its a book in 2 halves. The first half is his answers to questions raised by current detractors. The second half of the book is a logical case for Christianity. I suggest that many read the second half first.

Anthony Flew's There is a God is remarkable. Until 2004, Flew had been one of the best thinkers and writers in the atheist camp. He taught and inspired writers such as Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins. His commitment to following the evidence, no matter where it leads led him to deism in his later years.

Francis Collins recently published The Language of God. Until his retirement in 2008, Collins was the head of the human genome project. He was agnostic, leaning atheistic, until his medical school residency when he became a Christian. His book shows a beautiful marriage between science and faith.

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